Product Tank Cologne 2025

/ overcoachtv, producttank, cologne, strategy, überproduct

We went to Product Tank Cologne on Monday. It was a chance to meet lots of interesting people and old friends in person, since Markus Andrezak came to Cologne to talk about strategy.

Markus Andrezak at his talk infront of quite a larger audience

Markus showed a lightweight strategy approach possibly as a grassroots movement, where the whole organization owns the strategic direction. He went on to explain Roger Martin's approach, spiced it with Rumelt and Reinertsen and even his own framework Marker, Options, Work.

Shameless advertisement: Markus is offering his 12+-week program The Strategy Collective.

The OverCoachTV team at the afterhour party at the Weiße Holunder Pub in Cologne

This was the first time, that the OverCoachTV team met in real life. We had loads of fun, ate most of the buffet and lots of ❤️ was in the air! Soon, we will be back from our winter break and come up with sophisticated new episodes and talks.