Essential Links in May 2024
I spent this month mainly on the road, visiting Berlin and - for the first time - had some extended time to waste in Berlin and visit some crazy and beautiful places. I need to say I love Berlin, its spirit and its people, Berlin embodies freedom and liberty for me. We had a lot of sunny weather and we went to lots of places, including the Bundestag - just in time for 75 years of our constitution. We stayed in the gorgeous Lulu Guldsmeden Berlin and enjoyed every minute of it.
In the last weeks I collected lots of old resources that I had lying around to create a knowledge board for me in Apple's Freeform. So a bigger part of this month's content comes from reviewing older bookmarks around learning, product management, solving problems, storytelling and systems thinking.
Our stream in Twitch
Silently, we have started a new streaming format: OverCoachTV. We regularly talk about AI, strategies, technology, product ownership and social media. We are: Janina Pakusch, Jens Scharnetzki, Markus Andrezak and me. You can watch our older episodes on YouTube.
- Are you taking notes on your iPad? Here's a good overview on the Cornell Note Taking method when documenting knowledge (works even on paper!).
- Unjaded Jade published the Blurting Method to revise your learning content.
Systems Thinking
- Peter Kang with an extended look on the 7 learning disabilities in Peter Senge's Fifth Discipline.
- Learn more about the system archetypes in Peter Senge's book The Fifth Discipline.
Product Management
- Jamie Mill writes extensively about the elements of product design. He defines various layers inside the product and describes the different approaches you will need for each one. The content is based on Jesse James Garrett's Elements of User Experience from 2000.
- Why not validating your product idea with Strategyzer's Test Card?
- Nadine Nierentz und Jürgen Stock have a podcast on systemic coaching (German language).
- Musik ist eine Waffe - a beautifully crafted podcast series around the history of the German band Ton, Steine, Scherben.