Essential Links in March 2022

/ essential-links, leadership, culture, inspiration, tech, sw-dev

That was a beautiful month of March with lots of sunshine here in the Rheinland. On one of the sunny days we went to the Kaffeesaurus in Bonn. Bonn has a buzzling StartUp community and it was great to see people in the open again, drink some coffee, talk about projects and ideas. Although I enjoyed home office during the pandemic, I also missed meeting people in the last 2 years.

Well, it looks like - despite the still dreading numbers - that Germany is opening up in many ways. With that, more and more gatherings and community events are taken place. To mention one of the most inspiring one, make sure to visit the re-opened beyondtellerand in May in Düsseldorf, if you feel safe enough. I have rarely seen more inspirational speakers and talks and interesting people as at this conference - you should definitely consider giving it a go.

However, let's dig into the inspirational links of last month.


Mind Garden / Digital Garden

I have read a lot on keeping track of the things you learn in a digital garden. However, there is more to it than just collecting notes. It's about letting everything you learn run through a process of refinement until you develop it into something more valuable and insightful than when you first got the information. Here are some collected articles on creating and cultivating mind gardens.

And - not to forget - here's the digital garden blogchain.

New work & about work in general
