Hello & welcome here! My name is Oliver and this is my personal website - my own little space in the internet. I have been a software developer and tech enthusiast since the early 80s. I am still fascinated and inspired by tech, software & development. Today I am leading a software development unit with a strong focus on user-centric solutions.
I like to work with organizations where humans are at the center of everything and I strongly believe in people.

I love doing sports, enjoy playing boardgames, tabletops and roleplaying games. If you want to contact me, you can find me on LinkedIn, on Mastodon and Bluesky. I keep my code at GitHub.
Professional Curiosity

We are running a podcast called Professional Curiosity where we talk about business, organisational development, leadership and strategy. We regularly share what we have learned and sometimes invite some friends as guests. You will find us at Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

We regularly stream on Twitch with a few friends: On Monday evenings Jens Scharnetzki, Markus Andrezak, Janina and me talk about AI (taking over the world) and what that means for business and our future. We joke a lot, so it's not always that professional. Tune in and you will know what I mean, our channel is named OverCoachTV. You can still watch the older episodes on YouTube, too.

Me and my brother we keep a boardgame channel on YouTube in German language called Bretterwelten. We love boardgames and the worlds they create as soon as you open a box on your kitchen table. We regularly report from events and publish reviews of the boardgames we play.